IDAL Stencil Certification
Progressive Levels of Excellence
The IDAL Stenciling Certification Program represents the roots of our organization by preserving the legacy craft of stenciling and by promoting its artistry. The program improves and adds value to your set of skills.
IDAL members who have completed this rigorous program have earned the distinction of being the best stencil artisans in our industry.
Certification through the International Decorative Artisans League validates our members' training and education in the decorative art of stenciling.
Members apply for Certification to set a higher standard for their work. Artisans can proudly point to their professional Certification when clients ask for qualifications beyond sample boards.
The IDAL Stenciling Certification program provides an opportunity for League members to have their work juried by the leaders in the field. Only genuinely outstanding work passes the scrutiny of the Stenciling Certification Review Committee.
Certification Categories
Certified Stenciler (CS) - our most fundamental level. Select one category in which to undertake your stenciling: wall, fabric, or wood. No stencil cutting requirement.
Certified Stenciling Artisan (CSA) - design and stencil a coordinated room. Complete three coordinating stenciled areas within one room; walls, fabric, wood. Plus a simple stencil cutting requirement.
Certified Stenciling Teacher (CST) - an advanced level for those who have previously passed at CS or CSA level. Applicants must submit a stenciling lesson plan with samples and student reviews.
Certified Master Stenciler (CMS) - IDAL’s ultimate stenciling category. Applicants must have previously passed at CS or CSA level. Stencils used must be hand-cut. Pick three categories from; walls, fabric, wood or your choice of surface and complete stenciling projects of the highest craftsmanship.
Applications for Certification
Pay for the appropriate Certification level and you will be able to download the application. Fill it out electronically or manually and send it to Cathy's address on the form.
In recognition of their outstanding work, IDAL's certified stencilers are
listed under their appropriate designation.
Certified Master Stenciling Teacher (CMST)
This class of certification can only be achieved after the member has earned the title of Certified Master Stenciler (CMS)
Peggy Decker
Certified Master Stenciler (CMS)
This class of certification can only be achieved after the CS member has earned passing marks in four master categories: wood, walls, fabric, and a free choice of substrate. Each artist's imagination is challenged at this level. Applicants are juried on the basis of their creativity, inventiveness and skilled approach to the coordination of colors and designs. Only truly outstanding work meets this standard of stenciling excellence.
Sherry Wood
Ellie Ellis
Janie Gulick
Sara (Sally) Hopkins
Certified Stenciling Teacher (CST)
This level can only be achieved after the member has earned the title of Certified Stenciler. Over 200 teaching hours along with lesson plans, photos and descriptions of visual aids are required. Additionally, former students of the teacher will be asked to return a written critique.
Alice Goldberg
Betty Brown
Candy Lewis Duren
Cindy Coleman
Cindy Dozpat
Connie Brooks
Diane Bensch
Dot Boruff
Elaine Torrie
Helen Morris
Jackie Baxter
Johanna Guzik
Joyce Hambacher
Judy Joyce
Karen Scull
Laurie Spagnolia
Linda Radziminski
Marie Surmer
Marilyn Harzog
Mary Ellen Kilanowski
Mary Jane Malinoski
Nancy Janovsky
Nancy Jones
Renee O'Donnell
Ruth Garrison
Sandy Suttle
Sara Singleon
Sherry Singleon
Certified Stencil Artisan (CSA)
As with its counterpart, the Certified Stenciler (CS), the applicant’s technical abilities (measuring, placement, as well as design and color coordination) are juried. However, the CSA program was created to allow the Certification candidate more artistic freedom in creating a unique design concept.
Cathy Rinn
Cynthia Davis
Diane Williams
Ellie VanDyken-Ellis
Eva Gallant
Helen Morris
Janie Gulick
Kami Tremblay
Kelly King
Lori Wilson
Margaret Von Kaenel
Sheri Hoeger
Certified Stenciler (CS)
Wood, wall, or fabric samples must be completed for this initial level of Certification.
Ann Mangum
Barbara McCarney
Barbara Scholz Porerie
Barbara Szydlowski
Carolyn Finazzo
Carolyn Morris
Cathy Zavorskas
Christina VanBlake
Connie Cotita
Deanne Lenehan
Deborah Valerga
Deborah Young
Diane Williams
Doreen Eaon
Doris Flett
Elaine Torrie
Ellen Farseigh
Estelle Lee
Jan Dressler
Jan Swenson
Jeanee McKibben
Joan Traubenberg
Joanne Favale
Judi Chanin
Julie Denning
Karen Lore
Karen Osborn
Karen Price
Karol Suchy
Linda Durkin
Marcy McConnell
Mary Ellen Murphy
Mary Patterson
Mary Severns
Maureen Soens
Mellodee Graham
Millie McMenamin
Natalie Gorden
Pamela Curry
Ruth Collins
Sarah Michell
Sharon Walsh
Sheila Watts
Sherri D’Achille
Susan Timm
Tina Daley
Traci Merriman
Verda Vogel
Wendy Popish
Yvonne Thompson
Online Stencilers
We have looked-up the some of the most active Certified Stencilers online and listed their contact info below.
If you are an active Certified Stenciler and would be added to the list above, please contact us and let us know.